Haptic Resonator Vibration Motor TSL-ELV0832B Used For Gear Shifter Touch Screen

Haptic Resonator Vibration Motor TSL-ELV0832B Used For Gear Shifter Touch Screen

Gear Shifter Touch Screen-Haptic Feedback Changes Driving Experience

Gear Shifter Touch ScreenThe Gear Shifter Touch Screen is similar to our smartphone’s touch screen. Its user interface is pleasant and easy to use. The Gear Shifter touch screen, it is possible to integrate inside the automobile control screen with an haptic resonator motor TSL-ELV0832B instead of buttons that are physical haptic resonator vibrator offers tactile feedback. When a user moves or presses a button the user will receive prompt tactile feedback, which lets the user know that the action taken is right.

Key Feature:
– The user is informed when the action was performed correct by tactile feedback, a voice of the microphone, or by vision.
-Allow users to use every gear in an the interactive shift mode.
T-he Gear Shifter is compliant with FMVSS 102 and FMVSS regulations.
-The ability to transform it possible to transform the touch glass screen to the shape of a 3D. It can be bent and move easily.

Haptic Resonator Vibration Motor Indicators

Motor Model TSL-ELV0832B 235Hz Type
LRA Diameter Φ8±0.1 mm
LRA Thickness 3.25±0.05 mm
Weight 1.00±0.1 Gram
Resistance 22.5±10% Ω
Rated Current Max. 90 mArms Input Source: F0, 1.8Vrms AC, sine wave
Vibration Acceleration 1.2-1.5 Grms Input Source: F0, 1.8Vrms AC, sine wave, 100g dummy JIG
Operating Frequency 235 ± 5 Hz
Rising Time Max. 50 msec, From 0 to 50% of nominal vibration @ 1.8Vrms,235Hz
Falling Time Max. 80 msec; From 100% to 50% of nominal vibration @ 1.8Vrms,235Hz
Mechanical Noise Max. 50 dB(A); 10cm distance from microphone, Input Source : 235Hz, 1.8Vrms AC, sine wave
Insulation Resistance Min. 10 M; 100V DC input, between Case and Lead Wire
Life Test Operating at rated input voltage (1.8Vrms AC, Sinewave), input frequency (235Hz) for 200,000cycle, on(2sec)/off(1sec).

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