Overview Of Precision Linear Haptic Driver TSL-ELV080935 – LRA Used In Ideology Smart Devices

Key Features Of Precision Linear Haptic Driver

LRA precision linear haptic drivers TSL-ELV080935 are a fantastic option for applications that use haptic feedback that require a device with superior durability and reliability. They also have a very long life. This includes the the IDEOLOGY VR headset. Compared to traditional ERM vibration motors LRA‘s can be an ideal option for haptic applications because of their speedier rise and fall times. The energy generated by precision linear haptic driver is created from an internal mass that is oscillating back and forth on the axis of its resonance frequency.

Overview Of Precision Linear Haptic Driver TSL-ELV080935 - LRA Used In Ideology Smart Devices2
Overview Of Precision Linear Haptic Driver TSL-ELV080935 – LRA Used In Ideology Smart Devices2

Our LRA’s are made to have a resonance frequencyor vibration frequency within the 200Hz range that research has demonstrated to be ideal in the neuroreceptors in the skin.

LRAs are a fantastic alternative to brushless motors since the only internal components that can be subject to wear and eventual failure are the springs that it has internal. In contrast to conventional brushless DC motors ,linear resonant actuators have to be controlled through an AC signal at the device’s resonance frequency. There are a variety of companies that make an array of haptic IC driver for linear motors that provide the proper AC signal for drive and include an array of haptic effects that you can select from.

Difference Between LRA Precision Linear Haptic Driver And ERM V ibration Motor

The driver ICs provide over-drive and brake signals to the vibration motor, which improves the time between rise and fall, thus giving a better tactile feedback to the user. Contrary to brush ERM vibrating motors  changing the magnitude of the voltage applied only affect the strength of the force generated by the vibration and not the frequency of the vibration.

Its frequency is set by the LRA’s resonance frequency. Because of the Hi-Q feature of the LRA application of a frequency higher or below the frequency of resonance of the LRA could produce that the LRA creating a smaller magnitude or, if the frequency is far from the frequency of resonance, there will be the LRA will not produce any vibrations at all…

Precision Linear Haptic Driver Key Sheet

Motor Model TSL-ELV0832B 205Hz Type
Motor Length 9.00 ± 0.1 mm
Motor Width 8.00 ± 0.1 mm
Motor Height 3.5 ± 0.05 mm
Rated Voltage 0.9 Vrms AC
Rated Current 145mA max
Resonance Frequency 170 ± 10Hz
Rise Time 100ms max from 0 up to 90% maximum acceleration
Fall Time 130ms max fall acceleration from 100% down to 10%.
Transient Vibration Acceleration 0.90+/-0.15Gp, 9Vp+1cycle sine wave@F0
Specifications Click

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