several tiny motors vibrating balancebelt

Model TSL-WS0825 Brushless Vibration Motor Used In Tiny Motors Vibrating Belt

Several Tiny Motors Vibrating Belt for Better Balance

Tiny motors vibrating belt appliance that vibrates. It is designed to offer relief or compensation to those with severe balance issues in helping them find their balance and regaining independence. It is a BalanceBelt detects the body’s position body’s position in space. Using motors’vibrotactile feedback that it “balance belt” warns wearers by vibrating alarms in the event that they may over-tilt from any angle. The balance belt is located somewhere in between, it does not physically stop the wearer from falling but gives tangible vibrations in the event that the wearer is likely to fall.

Haptics technology can help patients in physical therapy. Tiny motors vibrating belt describes a small portabe device, which is basically “tactile alarm” to the sensory system. Haptic feedback can improve the sense of balance by automatically.

Model TSL-WS0825 Brushless Vibration Motor Used In Tiny Motors Vibrating Belt1
Model TSL-WS0825 Brushless Vibration Motor Used In Tiny Motors Vibrating Belt1

How Does the Tiny Motors Vibrating Belt Work?

The tiny motors vibrating belt is placed close to the waist. the BalanceBelt is equipped with more than ten micro vibrating motors model TSL-WS0825 situated around its circumference. These motors produce haptic feedback when the wearer is in danger of fall off balance. Due to the enhanced information about their posture and posture, the wearer is able to subconsciously adjust their position.

When you activate the BalanceBelt it will then independently adjust to a ”neutral position–your preferred position for standing, walking or sitting, usually when you’re sitting or standing straight. If you move away from this neutral position causes vibrations to be generated by the BalanceBelt. It is crucial to stop until the BalanceBelt stops vibrating after you move from sitting to standing prior to starting your walk. This allows the BalanceBelt to re-define the ‘neutral position’. It is recommended that you wear your BalanceBelt at your waist, and ideally over the top layer of clothing, such as a T-shirt.

Tiny Motors Vibrating Belt comes with brushless Vibrating Motors All Around

Extreme Bilateral Vestibular loss (BVL) is a condition in which the balance organs of the inner ear are severely damaged or ineffective. This results in a deficiency of the essential information required to maintain balance, which causes extreme difficulties with controlling body position in space, which can cause significant difficulties in the balance of your body and movement. Patients suffering from BVL are often unable to move about or participate in exercises by themselves, which could lead to feelings of loneliness and adversely impact their general well-being.

The BalanceBelt is fitted with a collection of tiny vibrators (also called vibrators or tractors). It is able to detect the direction of tilt of the wearer and offers vibratory feedback to increase the perception of body position. The sensory information will be processed and processed by brain of the wearer and allows automatic correction of posture and balance improvement, without having to pay attention to the feedback.

Model TSL-WS0825 Brushless Vibration Motor Used In Tiny Motors Vibrating Belt3

Low Cost Maintenance Brushless DC Motor Data Sheet

Absolutely! This BalanceBelt comes by TSL-WS0825 is ideal for those from all ages and stages that range from children and teens to adults, seniors. It’s for every single man, girl and woman. If you’re searching for a thoughtful present for your loved one make sure you pick the kind that brings happiness to all. In addition, to add that unique touch it’s possible to choose gift wrapping at the checkout. Give them a present that will keep them happy for a long time.

Motor Model TSL-WS0825
Rated Voltage 3V DC
Motor Diameter 8mm ± 0.05mm
Motor Thickness 2.5mm ± 0.1mm
Rated Current 80mA max
Rated Speed 15,000 ± 3,000rpm
Start Voltage 2.5V max
Noise ≤ 50dB
Amplitude 1.0G+
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