Coin Vibration Motor TSL-C1234 Exercise For Vibrating Gloves To Haptic Feedback

Coin Vibration Motor TSL-C1234 Exercise For Vibrating Gloves To Haptic Feedback

Coin Vibration Motor TSL-C1234 Apply To Gloves

Coin Vibration Motor are small thin, flat, and light and are ideal for use in wearable devices such as gloves. They are designed for those suffering from Parkinson’s disease or similar motor impairments. Vibration can be used as a signal rather than an actual sensation of touch which means that the user doesn’t think that they’re touching something, however the vibration serves as a signal they can react to. The motors’ vibration could provide tactile feedback ( sensory feedback) to the user that can help them improve their the fine motor skills of a person or help compensate for a loss of feeling.

Coin Vibration Motor typically are small and easily fit inside the glove’s fabric without adding weight or bulk, while still providing the level of comfort for those with Parkinson’s disease.

The frequency and intensity of the vibrations are often adjusted to suit the individual needs of vibration via an app or an integrated control mechanism within the glove.

Certain users have reported less stiffness of muscles through the use of vibration therapy, however this

remains an area of research in progress.

All Ten Fingers Of Vibrating Gloves Use Coin Vibration Motor

It is generally accepted that one stimulation per fingertip is adequate.

Tremelo is also a device developed to help reduce hand tremors caused by Parkinson’s disease and other disorders of movement. The glove is equipped with an electronic vibro-tactile stimulation located on the dorsum (top) of each finger as well as the palm.

The majority of these devices use an element of vibration to produce its intended haptic feedback vibration. Each stimulator is able to be controlled to alter the frequency of vibrating. Vibrations are typically caused by electric motors, particularly those used to create vibrations in portable as well as wearable gadgets.

These motors could include disc-like electric motors (also known as coin motors) or eccentric motors that rotate, or smaller electronic motors. They generate vibrations by spinning or vibrating. This could help in reducing any effects caused by tremors, or other disorders of movement.

Coin Vibration Motor TSL-C1234 Exercise For Vibrating Gloves To Haptic Feedback2
Coin Vibration Motor TSL-C1234 Exercise For Vibrating Gloves To Haptic Feedback2

Coin Vibrating Motor TSL-C1234 Provide Vibro-tactile Stimulation

Welding motor, please think:

Utilize the right welding techniques for your job Based on the material used in the caisson of the motor choose an approach to welding that is less prone to the distribution of heat and also warping. Welding techniques such as the TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) or MIG (Metal Inert Gas) may be better managed

Cooling: Utilize cooling techniques like a wet cloth or cooling gel that is specially designed to help disperse heat rapidly from the area that is welded which reduces the chance of the heat damaging sensitive components.

Coin Vibration Motor TSL-C1234 Exercise For Vibrating Gloves To Haptic Feedback4
Coin Vibration Motor TSL-C1234 Exercise For Vibrating Gloves To Haptic Feedback4

Coin Vibration Motor Assists In Obtaining Stable Hands

Vibrating gloves have been tested to decrease arm shake and enhance motor abilities for those suffering from hand tremors. The glove is a wearable small, spherical mass that twitches in a circular motion against the tremor movement. It allowed wearers to complete every day tasks with more stable arms and with more confidence.

Coin Vibration Motor TSL-C1234 Exercise For Vibrating Gloves To Haptic Feedback1

Coin Vibration Motor Model TSL-C1234

However, coin motors generally operate on very low power, which makes them ideal for use in areas that require battery lifetime an issue for instance wearable technology.

In gloves that are designed specifically for virtual experience or gaming coins are a great option to give haptic feedback, which can enhance the immersion. Take advantage of your game using the 3.4mm thickness coin vibrating motor. This makes it a totally safe option to motors.

TSL-C1234 application

Motor Model The wire length of TSL C1234 is type
Motor Diameter 12.0mm ± 0.1mm
Motor Thickness 3.4mm ± 0.1mm
Rated Voltage 3.0V DC
Operating Voltage 2.3V – 4.0V DC
Rated Speed 11,000 ± 2,500rpm
Rated Current 80mA max
Rotation Direction CW (clockwise) or CCW (Contrary clockwise)
Operating Environment -20~+60°C,Ordinary Humidity
Storage Environment -30~+70°C,Ordinary Humidity
Nominal Amplitude Vibe Force 1.65G
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